“Ovidia Yu a novelist, short-story writer and playwright whose debut detective novel “Miss Moorthy Investigates” first published in 1989 was released in India recently by Westland books says that be it fiction or nonfiction the genre has all the elements which an author or a reader could ask for.
“Death, murder, crime, curiosity, fear all of them blended together with focus on minute details offers unmatchable thrilling experience to the author. Once a debut author gets that kind of satisfaction it boosts his confidence to experiment with other genres as well,” she says.
However, Ovidia believes that writing detective and thriller stories for books is a different experience than writing for plays.
“While writing plays the author has to keep in mind that the curiosity and fear has not be generated from the writing alone, there is a director too to take control of the characters and the plot, whereas while writing a book its only between the author and editor, so there is more creative freedom,” she says.”
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